Decoding the Future: Terra Quantum’s Vision with Vishal Shete

WE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPT WAS CREATED BY A ROBOT SO PLEASE FORGIVE ANY TYPOS. [Phil Merchant]Hello everyone. Welcome and thank you for joining us for this next interview on Dead Cat Live Cat. Dead Cat Live Cat is an online quantum computing magazine founded by law firms BLG in Canada, Marks & Clerk […]

Bosons, Proof of Work and Finding a Quantum Solution to Blockchain’s Carbon Footprint

Quantum researchers have proposed an innovative alternative to existing Proof-of-Work methods in blockchain technologies.  Based in boson sampling, the proposed solution promises to drastically cut the significant carbon footprint of blockchain technologies. Whether it is in the form of cryptocurrencies (such as bitcoin), smart contracts, or non-fungible tokens, a blockchain provides an alternative means to […]

Patentability of Quantum Algorithms

Patent applicants in the field of quantum computing must consider various factors when seeking protection for their quantum algorithms, as the progress of quantum hardware and the accompanying software is rapidly advancing.

The Future of Quantum Hardware

WE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPT WAS CREATED BY A ROBOT SO PLEASE FORGIVE ANY TYPOS. [Phil] Hello and welcome everyone. My name is Phil Merchant. I’m a UK and European pattern attorney, with Marks and Clark, LLP. We’re a firm of patent and trademark attorneys with offices across the UK, and we help our clients […]